I have been thinking about the display and categorization of found objects and whether or not it is something I want to do, I mean find/create impose categories.. for example would I bunch something with " stuff I found on Friday", or "things found near a bridge", "things found while looking for other things", you get the idea... does it matter? A bit, yeah I think so.
So the other day I went out for a wander to see what I could find and just collected a few pieces, first of all I came across this utter horror show at the water sports centre down the road... the recent rain and stormy weather has brought it all flooding in down the waterway to this one spot, good in a way as I guess it will all be collected ( hopefully) by the canals trust but.. then it will still go into landfill I would assume.
So I collected and sorted a few bits and pieces on the walk, took them home and played around with a quick couple of arrangements just to see.
I already have a collection of bits of broken signs and add to it as and when, some epic sized collage will probably come out of it at some point I hope!!
Also adding to the side category of blue stuff, part of the bowerbird research I picked up these blue things
And then I messed around with a very quick layout of the rest of the stuff I picked up